One Million Funding_1600x900 One Million Funding_1600x900
Seed Funding Support for Start-Ups Projects

At the end of the programme, students with projects of high potential will have chances to pitch their business ideas to investors. High quality projects might receive venture capital funding to found their own companies. Up to HKD 1 million will be awarded for potential start-up business projects.

International Postgraduate Scholarship (IPS), which is competitive with limited quota, is offered to outstanding international students. Scholarship recipients will get full tuition waiver plus HK$100,000 living allowance (Approx. US$12,820). Eligible international applicants from countries/ regions outside the mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong will be automatically considered for the scholarship based on their all-round record and interview performance. The scholarship recipients will receive special/additional notice if the admission offer is provided with IPS. 

MScEGM Scholarships
Name of AwardDescriptions/ EligibilityNo. of RecipientsAmount per Recipient
International Postgraduate Scholarship
  • Scholarships of HK$398,000, with full tuition waiver HK$298,000 plus living allowance HK$100,000.
  • This scholarship is granted to high calibre applicant with an international profile (merit based).
  2-5  HK$398,000
Admission Scholarship
  • Scholarships of HK$25,000 to HK$50,000 will be granted to new entrants with a GMAT score at 650 or above. 
  • Scholarships of HK$10,000 to HK$50,000 will be granted to new entrants with a business plan of high potential.
UnlimitedHK$10,000 to $50,000
Academic Excellence Award
  • Top 3 academic excellence students upon completing the programme
Financial Support from the Angel Funds
  • Seeding funding support is available for qualified start-up projects.
UnlimitedVary according to project type and business scope.
Successful Start-up Award
  • A student who starts up a business by the end of the Programme
Lifelong Learning Award
  • Degree graduates and Associate Degree graduates from HKBU, HKBU-CIE, HKBU-SCE and BNU-HKBU-UIC are entitled to this if they are admitted to the MScEGM programme.

Scholarships offered by Grenoble Ecole de Management
For details, please visit: