
MScEGM programme prepares future business leaders for roles such as Marketing Specialist, Business Developer, Project Manager, R&D Manager, Brand Manager, as well as Consultant and Strategist for e-business and high-tech industries.

Career Opportunities

The programme is designed for students who seek graduate education to advance into managerial and leadership roles or to start an entrepreneurial career. We generally wish to prepare students for careers as:

Brand & Product Manager
Business Analyst
Business Consultant
Business Developer
Business-to-Business (B to B) Product Manager
Corporate Communnication Specialist
Creative Director
Global Account Manager
Global Brand Manager
Global Digital Marketing Manager
Global Marketing & Communication Manager
Global Strategic Marketing Manager
Global Sales and Marketing Manager
Marketing Specialist
Project Manager
Public Relations Manager
Research and Development (R&D) Managers
Successors to family-owned businesses
Any managerial position in e-business and high-tech industries

Opportunity to Work in Hong Kong
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Employment opportunities in Hong Kong for Non-local Graduates of MScEGM Programme (IANG Scheme)

According to the HK immigration guidelines (Immigration Arrangement for Non-local Graduates “IANG”), non-local graduates of the programme may apply to stay and work in Hong Kong for 24 months after obtaining bachelor/master qualified degree.

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Immigration Arrangement for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

Non-local graduates who apply for IANG within six months after the date of graduation (i.e. the date of graduation shown on the school letter) are classified as fresh graduates.  Fresh graduates may apply to stay and work in Hong Kong without having secured an offer of employment upon application.

Further details about IANG, please refer the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (Cap. 493) which can be found at the Hong Kong Immigration Department and their FAQ information page.